Online Time Clock MTS Quick Tour - Job Tracking
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It's not unusual for a company to not only track employee time and attendance but also to track the time the employee works on particular jobs during the day. This may be because employees work in different cost centers during the day or perhaps because your work place charges it's customers on a job by job basis. Online Time Clock MTS provides a simple method for your employees to allocate their time to job codes when they clock in or out of the system.
The Job Tracking features within Online Time Clock MTS allow for the following:
- Definition of an unlimited number of jobs to be tracked.
- Numeric job codes are entered by employees when they clock in. Job tracking can be compulsory, optional, or turned off completely on an employee by employee basis.
- Employees can switch jobs as many times as they like during the day by clicking the Clock Out button and choosing a Switch Job action.
- Jobs can be created by the administrators or optionally employees can create them 'on the fly' when they enter new job codes.
Currently Online Time Clock MTS provides users with three job based reports. The first, the Active Job Report gives a simple print out of active jobs and is designed to inform your employees of the currently active job codes to use. The Job Time Report displays the time spent by each employee on each job. A Job manager can then see at a glance what employees are booking time to their jobs. The Job Punchcard Report displays the clock in and out events for each employee along with the jobs they booked this time to. Thus an employee manager can see at a glance how an employee is spending their time.