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July 11, 2010
Online Time Clock MTS Beta Version 2.1 Released
Due to some other commitments I've not been able to spend as much time developing Online Time Clock MTS as I'd like. So rather than trying for a major release this week I've settled on one or perhaps two minor releases. What I'm calling Online Time Clock MTS Beta Version 2.1 was released today. This includes a number of changes relating to the tracking of the computer IP address used by an employee when they are clocking in and out. The logical progression of this is restricting access to Online Time Clock MTS by computer IP address (to stop employees clocking in and out from home for example). However, this will have to be for a later release. Here's what's changed today:
New Features
- The computer IP address is logged when an employee clocks in or out. Thus each time pair records two IP addresses (one for the clock in and one for the clock out).
- When a time is created manually on the Edit Times screen the IP address of the administrator computer is recorded.
- When an existing clock in / out pair is changed to just a clock in on the Edit Times screen the clock out IP is reset. It will be re-populated with the correct IP when the employee either clocks out or the administrator manually sets the clock out time.
- When an existing time is edited on the Edit Times screen the existing recorded IP addresses are not changed.
- A new report has been added to the Payroll Reports screen. This is the 'Time IP Report'. It displays a list of all the times for employees during the selected reporting period and displays the IP addresses for the clock in and out times. If the IP address was not recorded (because you are reporting on old data) then obviously it will not be displayed.
- The account admin login must now be unique.
- The account admin login can now login from any location. This allows the account admin login to select any location they like when logging in and thus manage each location without needing to change their location via the Manage Logins screen. All other logins must still select the correct location when logging in.
- Employee departments can now be created and managed via the Manage Data->Manage Departments drop down menu. The account administrator can create departments for all account locations or specific to a particular location. Location administrators can only create departments for their own location.
- Employees can now been assigned to a department based on what their location is. They can be set to a global department or the departments specific to their location.
- The payroll reports screen now allows selection of employees by their department.
- If a payroll report is filtered by department this is now noted in the header of the report.
Bug Fixes
- This week/last week buttons on the payroll reports gave incorrect dates if pressed on the last day of the week. This has been fixed.
- A reports level user couldn't view the recent reports screen. This has been fixed.
- Computer IP Logging : The logging of computer IP addresses is the beginning of a system to restrict logins to the Online Time Clock MTS system by location. This will prevent employees from logging into a time clock permissions level account on a web browser at home or somewhere else and clocking in or out fraudulently. It is planned that the IP restriction will only be applied to time clock level accounts.
- Employee Departments : provide a simple way of splitting your employees into smaller groups for reporting purposes. The employee department will not be able to be used as a quasi job tracking system because the current employee department is not recorded along with clock in or out times. A simple job tracking system similar to that in the desktop version of Time Clock MTS will be added to Online Time Clock MTS in the future.
Posted by markn at July 11, 2010 2:20 PM